I am a pharmacist and a conservator-restorer specialized in Preventive Conservation of Graphic Documents and Biodeterioration of Organic Materials. In 2014 I completed a PhD in Conservation Science.
I am presently based as a researcher at the HERCULES Laboratory in Évora University with the project Heritage Keepers: Making Way for Environmental Quality, focused on assessing the working conditions of conservators-restorers to determine the main risks for every speciality, improve their knowledge of mitigation strategies and promote the adoption of more sustainable products.
ORCID ID 0000-0002-7194-5496
Ciência Vitae C81B-0C4C-AF3A
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Lisboa
Thesis “Fungal communities in archives: assessment strategies and impact on paper conservation and human health"
Conservation-Restoration degree with a specialization in Risk Analysis and Preventive Conservation/ Graphic Documents.
Pharmaceutical Sciences Degree
Special interests...
Apart from subjects related to Cultural Heritage and Medieval Collections, I´m also interested in Sustainability, Science Communication - especially to the younger audiences - and the use of new technologies to elevate our Cultural Heritage. Click on the links to find out more about my work in each of these fields.