It's the future and for the future.
It's a core part of my project at HERCULES and goes beyond my professional sphere. Here are three of the main contributors and collaborations.
Sustainability in Conservation - SiC - is an international organization aimed at promoting sustainability and ecological awareness in conservation of cultural heritage and related fields.SIC has national branches for Portugal, Italy and Poland and I'm currently coordenating the Portuguese branch.

Ki Culture is an international nonprofit working to unite culture and sustainability. We use “culture” as an all inclusive term - from visual arts to heritage to performing arts and all stakeholders who have a role to play. We use the word sustainability in a wide sense of the word- encompassing all three pillars (environmental, social, and economic) - redesigning systems and rethinking how and what we do to find win - win - win solutions: better for the people, better for the culture, and better for the planet. At the moment my collaboration is primarily directed at translation efforts.

My Green Lab is fundamentally and permanently improving the sustainability of scientific research. As a non-profit organization, we were formed to unify and lead scientists, vendors, designers, energy providers, and others in a common drive toward a world in which all research reflects the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility. Run “for scientists, by scientists,” we leverage our credibility and track record to develop standards, oversee their implementation, and inspire the many behavioral changes that are needed throughout the scientific community. Though My Green Lab focuses solely on laboratory environments, we believe our activities will excite similar changes across other industries, and in the private lives of the millions of people who spend their time in labs.